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Writer's pictureTri-City Branch, NAACP

New Year, New You

Written By: Nicole Nunley, Health Committee Chair

2023 has arrived and I am glad about it. A new year allows us to reset. This year I decided to focus on health and wellness. I have been an RN for over 20 years, and I have seen my fair share of preventable diseases. Three of the most common diseases I see in people of color are high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity. I know you have heard this time and time again, but 2023 can be a year of “reset”. All three of these diseases can be prevented with diet and exercise. Yes, I know you have heard this from your doctor repeatedly, but it’s TRUE! A 20-minute walk 3 times per week can significantly reduce your risk for high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity.

What does a 20-minute walk look like? I’m glad you asked, for some people that may be a walk to their mailbox and back, for others it may be a brisk walk around the park. There is no right or wrong answer, just get moving!! During 2023 I would like to focus on prevention and resetting our thinking to enable better health for ourselves and the community. With that being said, will you walk with me, this week?

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